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  • How do I buy something ?
    Go to our Shop on our website! If you'd like to purchase a custom piece of artwork or inquire a service message me on my social media or email!
  • What should I bring for the Photoshoot + Shopping experience?
    When booking the Photoshoot and Shopping experience, theres a few things to think about! First, what do you want the theme or aesthetic to be, or if theres any at all. Bring your makeup or specifically your foundation with you! I provide my own makeup kit for the day of the shoot but its essential you bring your foundation, or tell me your shade so I can go out and purchase your color before the shoot. Also, decide if you want a white backdrop, indoor, or an outdoor location. Feel free to bring any props or accessories to spice up your look!
  • How much do you charge for gas on House Visits?
    It depends on the distance traveled! I use an app called MileIQ that tracks the distance I drive on different business trips. It calculates a dollar amount based on the miles traveled.
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